I have a friend that I've never met,
he walks the field of sorrow.
I told him, "build what is important
around what is essential."
He inhaled his pain, it paralyzed him,
he walks no more.
Darkness is everywhere.
It's in the water, the fish are dying.
There are no songbirds.
The field of sorrow claimed him as its own.
The pain cracked open my friend's heart
and he fell to the ground.
There he lay in the field of sorrow.
Sorrow was bigger than he was,
it consumed him and it spilled out
and flowed over the landscape.
Darkness is everywhere.
It is in the landscape, the animals are dying.
There are no flowers.
The field of sorrow claimed him as his own.
Payne's Grey speaks from a savage room.
It tells a story of the beautiful and innocent
wrapped in barbed wire.
The man held the boy's broken body,
cold, rigid, and blue fingernails,
he moved no more.
Darkness is everywhere.
It is in the water, the fish are dying.
There are no songbirds.
The field of sorrow claimed us as its own.
- Charlie Bynar 2018